ICRT報導:體委會想上訴「國際法庭」 【Comment】 網友Flying Fish提醒,此消息恐有誤,應該是這個: http://edu.srcinfo.com/html/200804091218.html 國際體育仲裁法庭(Court of Arbitration for Sports, CAS)在國際奧委會第七任主席胡安·安東尼奧·薩馬蘭奇(Juan Antonio Samaran 土地買賣ch, 1920.7.17)的提議下,於1984年6月正式成立。國際體育仲裁法庭在國際體育領域內,主要有以下職能:   1)解決普通的爭議案件;   2)解決根據體育組織的章程上訴至法庭的案件 ; 婚禮佈置   3)調解社會體育團體之間的糾紛;   4)根據國際奧委會的要求出具法律意見;   5)調解體育範疇內的一般性糾紛。 非常感謝Flying Fish兄。 CNN也是報導若無合理解釋,會尋求the International Cour 信用卡代償t of Justice 說是戴遐齡在廣州告訴CNN記者的。 應該是主委講錯了。 http://edition.cnn.com/2010/SPORT/11/17/asian.games.china.taiwan/index.html?iref=allsearch 無論如何,重點仍在:必須雙方接受才能進入仲裁。雙方是誰?中華?好房網x北與中國,或中華台北與廣州?或中華台北與亞運會當局?還是中華台北與亞跆聯盟? 確定之後,才要設想:對方會答應嗎?比方說,亞跆會的新聞稿已經用情緒性字眼「震驚」Shocking Act of Deception by Chinese Taipei (此網頁被駭)指稱楊淑君作弊! SAC t 找房子hreatens legal action over Games' disqualification ICRT 2010.11.18 Minister of Sports - Cai Xia-ling - says her office is considering taking the Asian Taekwondo Union to the International Court of Justice if it fails to fully explain yesterday's disqualificat 酒店經紀ion of a member of the island's taekwondo team at the Asian Games.The statement follows the disqualification of - Yang Shu-chun - who was banned from competition after judges ruled she was wearing non-certified electronic footwear.Yang's disqualification from the women's 49- 商務中心kilogram division came as she was leading her Vietnamese opponent 9-0 in a quarter-final first round match.The taekwondo team's head coach - Liu Qing-wen - has said Yang's footwear passed the pre-match inspection.Government spokesman -Johnny Jiang - told reporters last night that Premier Wu Dun-yi has as 租辦公室ked the Sports Affairs Council to question the fairness of the ruling and to seek justice on the principle of "national dignity."However ... match officials are sticking by their decision .. saying Yang's footguards carried unauthorized extra electronic sensors behind the heel.And the World Taekwondo Federation is also defending 裝潢 the ruling ... saying although the extra sensors had been removed prior to the match for inspection, they were fixed back on for the competition. 【相關閱讀】 常設仲裁法院 必要時,進入國際法院打官司?? 國際法院,誰有資格?   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 住商房屋  .

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